Iterated Colonel Blotto against Computer Player

You and the computer player, Colonel Blotto, have some armies each. These can be sent to four battlefields of about equal importance. The player sending more armies to a battlefield wins it. The player winning more battlefields wins the round.

After each round, if the winner has not 9 tanks yet he wins one tank. In any case, the loser loses one tank. The game continues until one player has only 4 tanks left.

Send your red armies to the four battlefields by clicking the corresponding "+" buttons. You can also remove them by clicking the "-" buttons. The computer player will at the same time distribute his green armies without showing it. When you have distributed your nine armies, click the "Fight" button.

A) Colonel Blotto (Computer):

Battlefield 1
A wins
B wins

Battlefield 2
A wins
B wins

Battlefield 3
A wins
B wins

Battlefield 4
A wins
B wins

B) You:

Erich Prisner, 2012